30 January 2010

A miracle invention!!

In a long-distance relationship? Well this handset features a set of “digital lips” that will detect the speed, pressure, temperature and sucking force of your lips.
Afterwards, the kiss will be reproduced in the exact same way it was done by you, and sent to your partner (who of course also has to have a kiss phone). They can then experience your kiss and send you one back. How cool is that? Plus, you can save a kiss on your phone and “play it back” when you’re in the mood for a hot smooch. There’s even a kiss database online, a “kiss bank” as the inventor calls it, with celebrity kisses. 

(credits to Sugarspun

Okay I need this thing!!


Ernie Shie said...

Haha... cepatan pigi beli TA.. =D

g.ta said...

iyah ni..pengen cium baby ethan juga..hiahahahhaa..

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